Elea coaches
Expertise: lichtheid brengen in moeilijke thema's, een veilige ruimte bieden voor groei en helder communiceren.
Expertise: een thuis opbouwen in een ander land, oprecht kijken naar relaties, van analyse naar gevoel.
Curiosity about yourself is the first step to change
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 6 pm
Evening training: 19.00h - 10.30 pm
Weekend training: free 10 am - Sun 4 pm
Contact details
Barrierweg 145, Eindhoven
+31 (0)40 237 74 77
Chamber of Commerce: 17172020
VAT ID: NL001295072B42
Corry van Zandwijk
Oprichter Elea
Vanuit mijn eigen ervaringen en een diepe liefde voor het leven, ben ik altijd nieuwsgierig naar de ontmoeting met de ander. Naar wat zich laat zien in het moment en de beweging die je van binnenuit maakt.
Samen onderzoeken we wat je tegenhoudt en wat er nodig is om weer vanuit vrijheid te kunnen leven.
Als je jezelf goed kent, kun je steeds meer kiezen voor het leven dat bij jou past.
Welkom bij Elea
Elea is een plek voor iedereen die bereid is naar zichzelf te kijken, echt contact wil maken en voluit wil leren leven.
Wanneer je vastloopt en weer in beweging wilt komen. Maar ook als je verlangt naar duurzame groei en jezelf persoonlijk wilt ontwikkelen.
Aanbod persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Sometimes you get stuck, you can't move yourself. Or do you keep running into the same patterns or situations. Even if you experience a crisis or a problem, there is nothing wrong. And often the situation gives you a chance to grow. It can be nice if someone is watching you. You help break old patterns, break free from the past and discover who you really are.
A ready-made solution is not what it is about, we work experientially. In the moment you will discover where you get stuck and what it takes to take the next step. Feel free to contact us for an introduction or to discuss your question.
Sometimes you get stuck, you can't move yourself. Or do you keep running into the same patterns or situations. Even if you experience a crisis or a problem, there is nothing wrong. And often the situation gives you a chance to grow. It can be nice if someone is watching you. You help break old patterns, break free from the past and discover who you really are.
A ready-made solution is not what it is about, we work experientially. In the moment you will discover where you get stuck and what it takes to take the next step. Feel free to contact us for an introduction or to discuss your question.
Sometimes you get stuck, you can't move yourself. Or do you keep running into the same patterns or situations. Even if you experience a crisis or a problem, there is nothing wrong. And often the situation gives you a chance to grow. It can be nice if someone is watching you. You help break old patterns, break free from the past and discover who you really are.
A ready-made solution is not what it is about, we work experientially. In the moment you will discover where you get stuck and what it takes to take the next step. Feel free to contact us for an introduction or to discuss your question.
Sometimes you get stuck, you can't move yourself. Or do you keep running into the same patterns or situations. Even if you experience a crisis or a problem, there is nothing wrong. And often the situation gives you a chance to grow. It can be nice if someone is watching you. You help break old patterns, break free from the past and discover who you really are.
A ready-made solution is not what it is about, we work experientially. In the moment you will discover where you get stuck and what it takes to take the next step. Feel free to contact us for an introduction or to discuss your question.